Thursday, April 30, 2009

Of Lawns and Guinea Pigs

In case some of you were wondering, I have not fallen of the edge off the earth; after all the earth is round! Seriously though, I have been busy, but I hope to get more posts up soon!

Now some of you might be looking at the title and are wondering what guinea pigs and lawns have anything to do with what is on here. Allow me to give some more information and then I'll explain.

At my house lives a very lovable guinea pig (note: The pronunciation emphasis is on the "pig"!) named Squeakers. Now, it is a well known fact in our household that whenever you set Squeakers on a patch of the lawn, it will be completely devoured. I have been known to take advantage of her ferocious appetite to take care of areas in the lawn I can't reach with a lawn mower. She is like a miniature cow, and is colored like one! She doesn't just gulp down the grass, but she spends a long time chewing.

Now you are all wondering where I am going with this. What does my dear guinea pig have to do with being a warrior poet? Well, because I think we can learn something from Squeakers. It goes without saying that her main focus is food and she goes crazy over it and just digs into it and always is desiring more. We need that same focus and desire and eagerness. Not for food, but for the very words of God, the Bible.

In Jeremiah 15:16, it says "your words came and I ate them; they were my joy and my desire" (roughly quoted from NIV) We need the same attitude as my guinea pig, digging deep into the scriptures, having an intense love and longing for them, taking delight and joy in them.

That is something I think our modern church underplays or even forgets or ignores. God's Word is soooo rich and moving and powerful. Take a look at Psalms 119:9-16. Look especially at verse 16: "I delight in your decrees, I will not neglect your word." (NIV)

Now I have spoken already on the importance of God's word, but I think it is worth looking into more, and repeating! God's word is so good and so indescribable. Oh, how I desire to say as the psalmist said in Psalm 119:20: "My soul is consumed with longing for your laws at all times." (NIV) It can be said that Squeakers is consumed with eating and that it is her joy and delight. Oh, how I deeply desire to have that same mindset toward God's word.

These past few weeks have found me me spending more and more time in His word, and I am so hungry and thirsty for more! It is so filling and challenging. We as Christians need to realize the importance of knowing His word.

In the letters to Timothy, Paul warns him to watch out for false teachings. I would suggest that in order to recognize false teachings, we need a deep understanding of the scripture, the Very Words of God!

I deeply desire more and more of His Word, and I know that it is so changing, so convicting and so.....indescribable. Those who know me know that I can express myself very well in writing, but my desire and joy in the Word can not be fully put into writing! Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! His Word endures forever!

I challenge you to dig into His Word. I guarantee that you will not be the same! Will you have the same hunger?

For Christ's Glory!

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