Many of us know of John the Baptist. He was a great man of God, and prepared the way for Jesus and His earthly ministry. With that said, I believe there something we all can learn from John the Baptist...
In John 3:30, John( the baptist, not the author) says this about Jesus: "He must become greater, and I must become less important." Now some of you are no doubt wondering why I am bringing this up. I believe we can all learn a thing or two from John the Baptist.
How many of us get so caught up in what WE are doing for Jesus? How many of us focus on our own efforts and our own attempts to do what is right, and strive to do things on our own strength? I know I have sometimes, and I'm sure several of you have as well. It is easy to fall into the trap of focusing on our efforts when we are "serving" God.
However, I suggest that instead of putting the focus on ourselves, we should focus on the One we are serving. It is only through Him that we can truly serve Him and do great things for Him. Even then, we must make sure to not to take the credit for what He does through us, but rather, give Him all the glory. We, as John did, should be able to let Him become greater and our own percieved importance become less.
It is important to remember that it is not about us, it is about God. We can do nothing on our own; it is through Christ alon that we can do anything, as Paul says in Phil 4:13. With this in mind, let us strive toward puting our King first, and focus on Him; yielding our lives to His power and relying fully on Him!
For Christ's Glory!
It interesting how I have been thinking about this all week. I notice more an more about how society is becoming this self centered entity that is perpetuating itself into damnation. Every aspect of society is about itself: fashion, conversations, schooling, self-motivation, ethics, morals, etc.