Saturday, June 15, 2013

Counting Blessings

   As I have been thinking back over this past week, I am reminded just how blessed I am. There is joy in thanking God for the many ways He has blessed our lives, and as I get older, I realize this all the more. Sometimes, when our eyes are on our circumstances and the various challenges in life, it can be difficult to be thankful. However, there is great value in taking a step back, refocusing on God, taking the time to realize how He has blessed us, and then thank Him for His infinite goodness to us - goodness we do not deserve.

   I am so thankful for my family. God has so richly blessed our little family of three. This week, I was able to spend considerable time at home with my wife, talking with her, getting to know her more, and reconnecting a little after a very busy weekend at work. Also, I have enjoyed the time I have had playing with my 1 year-old daughter! She is such a goof, and delight. (That is her playing outside today in the photo)

   I am also thankful for our extended family (my family and my wife's family). They are all an important part of our lives, and although we have not seen them much this week, the brief visits have been very special.

   God has also richly blessed us with some good friends. At the beginning of the week, I was able to get together with some of my close friends from high school, catch up on life a little bit together, and play some board games - which is always fun with these guys! Last night we had the blessing of visiting with a family very close to us who have been valuable friends and mentors. It was a good evening of talking, laughing, and enjoying the beautiful outdoors. Today, we were able to see some other good friends of ours and celebrate their daughter's 2nd birthday with them. (The reason why my daughter is all dressed up in the picture - it was taken right before we left)

   The more I ponder, the more I find for which to be thankful: The strength to finish my college degree (I just got my diploma in the mail this week!), a good job for this season of life, more time at home because of the summer, and on and on and on! Sometimes, we forget just how blessed we are; we have food, shelter, friends, family, and Scriptures in our own language. I think it is at our own detriment that we take these things for granted. We lose sight of just how blessed we are, and then we complain. The reality is that we do not deserve any of these blessings. But, life is a gift, and it is valuable to see it that way. I would encourage you, especially if things seem crazy in your life right now, to take time to count your blessings and thank God for His loving kindness to us.

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