Well, I'm off to battle....sort of. In a little over an hour, I'm off to Camp Joy-El to begin training as a Senior Counselor, where I'll serve all Summer. I am very excited! I can not wait to serve my King!
Can you pray for me this summer? Pray that I will be able to set a good example, speak boldly the message God has given me, that I do not back down in service to my King, that I will lean on Him, and that He will fill me with His Grace, Strength, Boldness, Spirit, and Power. Pray that God will be able to use me, that I will proclaim His name boldly, as I should. Pray that I will be able to impart to my campers the importance of being a man of God and that I live it out as well.
Again, I am very excited for this summer! I know God will do some great things this summer, and I can't wait to see what He will do. Pray also that we guard against Satan and His schemes, for he will stop at nothing to try and disrupt God's Work. Pray also that I give myself fully to God, and submit to Him, rather than let my self control me. I pray that I will be able to live out what I have written here. (In case you haven't figured it out, it will be a little bit before I will be back on to blog...feel free to check out my older post though if you haven't yet!)
Well, I'm off to battle for my King and His Kingdom!
For Christ's Glory!
May the Lord fill you with Himself. May you seek Him daily and Him out in every circumstance. May His heart live in you that you may shine with Jesus Christ and be a witness to all the campers around you of the great, mighty, holy, and awesome God we serve. God bless you! God bless your campers! In Jesus' Name, amen.