Saturday, April 11, 2009

Becoming a "warrior"

To start off with, I thought it appropriate to discuss the full meaning of the phrase "warrior poet". I can't claim ownership to that title; it was "invented" by Eric Ludy in his book, "God's Gift to Women". (It is a great book, by the way!) However, I chose it for my blog and as my theme, because it encompasses not only becoming a man of God, but also a mindset that all of us can benefit from, and not just us guys.

Let's take a look at the warrior. When ever I hear "warrior", I envision a knight, or an honorable character like Aragorn from The Lord of the Rings, or like William Wallace, who fought for his country. For me, being a warrior, is more than a cool sword, or strength in battle. It's a mindset.

So what does the mindset of warrior look like? How do we apply that to our lives?

First off all, and most important, is serving your King. As Christians, we are called to serve God, our King. How do we serve Him? By following His commands, and by loving Him, and loving others. Jesus said that whoever wants to be greatest among you must be the servant. A warrior serves his king by doing whatever his king calls him to do. The warrior should adopt the mindset of giving everything that he is in service to his king, for his king to use him where the king sees fit. This is the most important part of being a warrior: Being willing to lay down everything in service to your King, and letting Him lead you and use
you where He wants you.

Secondly, being a warrior means to take a stand for your King and fight. In Ephesians 6:10-12, it says "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." As warriors in service to our King, we must "stand firm" and fight against Satan's schemes. Not only does this mean to stand against Satan's attack on us personally, and resist temptation, but to take a stand on issues that matter. Earlier in Ephesians, chapter 5, verse 11, we are told to "Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them." Instead of ignoring the wrong around us, we need to take a stand against it!

Thirdly, we need to make sure that we have everything submitted under Christ's control. Our selfishness can destroy our efforts to be a committed disciple for God. Selfishness of any form can be one of Satan's greatest attacks against us. Only through Christ can we resist.

Obviously, this isn't the full picture of being a Warrior, or even a warriorpoet. This is just the start.


  1. Let's get the ball rolling...

    what does it mean to YOU to be a warrior?

  2. Warriordom entails being equipped in all positive fashions to defend that thing for which you stand. Of course, that contains traces of unattainable idealism, perhaps it would be better to say that effective warriordom requires wielding those tools deemed necessary to the accomplishment of the aforesaid end in constant defense of what you seek to uphold. This is a continual process. Alright. I've said nothing thus far. Another iteration. We ought to be intent upon acquiring the implements that shall improve our warrior abilities. Maximizing opportunities to protect, stimulate, and propagate our beliefs in principle and in act. Adhering unwaveringly to our immutable code of conduct, that being (bringing some specificity to this post) His Word. Courage, honor, chivalry, truthfulness, etcetera. Ab arbitrarium. Okay. Well.
    Excuse any extraneous strands of oddness. Being a warrior is not easily described.

  3. Thanks Philip,

    While I agree that it is hard to describe being a warrior, I can say that it is something all of us need to put into practice. You make a good point: We need to make the most of every opportunity.

    One aspect that needs more attention, is the whole idea of taking a stand fo what we believe, even when no one else will. I admit that I don't always do this, but it is something that needs to be done!
